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Die Kuppelshow First Dates – One of the two that has had a surrender on lower: from außergewöhnlichen gifts to two double dates. In the Folge vom 2. This month we had the best friends together after the great love. Fabio (21) and Simon (23) quickly put everything together. So sign up as a Doppelpack on the dating show. Are you interested in a woman who is interested? Denn tatsächlich finds both Jungs de gleichen Typ Frau gut. Roland Trettl (53) has mild anxiety. “Jungs, keine Streitereien, ja? Keine Eifersuchtsszenen”, mahnte der Gastgeber en Koch humorvoll. A bar and a kiss on the couch were put in place 21 years ago. If the first lady of the “First Dates” restaurant is rewarded, the war will be won. “Welcher von both ist es jetzt?”, wunderte sich Jana (22). Roland watches Fabio in the Bar as he responds positively to his Blind Date response. Jana Verriet: “Also, I had taken the two Jungs from each other, I had taken Fabio, definitively.” That’s the date I’ll be with you in the future and the Format will be happy.
After the first pair has been führt a few times, you dare to use Simon with a date in Empfang. Lea (21) is an attractive woman. Auch Lea war with his Blind Date. Before you do it all, you can get the “First Dates” Candidate. Lea teilte Janas Meinung über die gemeinsame Anmeldung der Jungs: “That’s super fun and super cool, that’s what they were.” It’s the second “First Dates” pairing to go straight to Jana and Fabio. So keep the friendship going when you’re flirting.
When the dates are transported, both young people go together on the toilette, one of the dates they use. Simon is on Kumpel: “It’s a matter of time, so I’ll never forget my names”. If you are the best friend leader, you cannot help him directly. Four times the Candidates went into the Photo Box, where Fabio resumed the Names of Simons Blind Date. If the Teilnehmerinnen de Gruppenaktion gut an. And we can meet Fabio in bed and see more Date with Jana Vorellen. Simon and Lea can both have a date.
Who thinks what if Simon and Fabio take the time to share “First Dates”?
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